This is a tribute to place, the location in which we find ourselves

Lets begin with thinking about the context of society, and how that influences our way of life and the lens that we view ourselves and our interaction with the world.

Now lets think about the idea of place, time, destiny . . .

“The great moments of your life won’t necessarily be the things you do, they’ll also be the things that happen to you. Now I’m not saying you can’t take action to affect the outcome of your life, you have to take action, and you will. But never forget that on any day, you can step out the front door and your whole life can change forever. You see the universe has a plan kids, and that plan is always in motion. A butterfly flaps its wings and it starts to rain. It’s a scary thought but it’s also kind of wonderful. All these little parts of the machine constantly working, making sure that you end up exactly where you’re supposed to be, exactly when you’re supposed to be there. The right place at the right time.”

The right place at the right time, destiny and all the implications that come with it.  The mechanisms that guide our actions should not be determined by thoughts of destiny, but we are bound to the place we inhibit, the people we interact with, the food we eat, the relationships we create, and that presents opportunities for growth and fulfillment, where ever you are, whoever you are you have a role and the opportunity to make the most of it.

Geese appear high over us,
pass, and the sky closes. Abandon,
as in love or sleep, holds
them to their way, clear
in the ancient faith: what we need
is here. And we pray, not
for new earth or heaven, but to be
quiet in heart, and in eye,
clear. What we need is here.

Wendell Berry

lets finish with a song 🙂

Home by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros


1.  In what ways have you been finding growth from the place that you are in?

2. How can you learn and find more fulfillment in the world that surrounds you?

3. Pros and Cons to globalization set aside, we are increasingly a more interconnected set of conscious beings, how can you turn this interconnected new into something that is more than words on a page or thoughts in your head . . . ?


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Major Carter on Greening the Ghetto

Check out this TED talk on sustainable urban development planning

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Sand Dune creatures made out of PVC pipe

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Thailand a game of thrones

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Nick Dunlap Burma documentary

The social research methods class CIEE Thailand’s very own Nick Dunlap, the photography professor, hits the big time. You should all check out this New York Times article about his process of making the documentary as well as getting it out into the media both in Burma as well as back in the states and other developed countries.

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Back in the mix

January 19th, first contact. . . the semester started officially on the 20th, its been an exciting, sleep deprived, adrenaline fueled last couple of days and I can’t wait for what the upcoming semester holds. Currently staying at a beautiful hotel, its got a hot shower, complementary breakfast, and air conditioning. I seriously can’t think of what else I could possibly ask for. On the other hand picture yourself looking at yourself in an elevator, the doors open you step out into the main lobby, walk along a tiled marble floor and open the front doors of the hotel. The heat toxic smells of Bangkok and the sounds of 10 to 20 different languages overwhelms your senses. Kousan Road, the backpackers hub of South East Asia. I’ve never been to a place quite like it, most certainly not in Thailand, and the closest I can get to in the States would be the Blue Heron, a semi large blue grass festival in down state New York. I draw a connection because of the backpacking/eccentric edge that seems to embody the mass of people on the streets. I wonder, some what guiltily, why everyone came here. Did they come for fun pleasure, self-reflection, maybe even a cheap hotel? So many privileged people with no direction, if only 1/4 of us in the developed world could see with our own eyes the effects that the systems of oppression we live and embody on a daily basis have on those born into poverty . . . maybe we’d begin to change those systems into something of empowerment. The next question is “what do I do with myself when I return to the US?” What do I do when theres not a gold mine blowing up a mountain right beside the house that I’m sleeping in?

Think . . . act . . . reflect . . . think . . . act . . . reflect . . . currently I’m in my thinking stage, I’ve went through a semester acting, spent two weeks reflecting, and now I’m back at the drawing board, so I’m going to jump back into the throng of cultures out on the street outside, and find a quite place to think. Hope ya’ll are doing well, you all should watch this link to education. What if we got just a little creative with mainstream education . . . what does that actually look like? Any thoughts out there?

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A story of darkness and illumination

June 30th . . .

I step out into the gritty smog filled air of bangkok, I find myself overwhelmed by the smells, sights, and sounds.  Thai is a tonal language making it fairly difficult to pronounce correctly, but it can be very pleasant to listen to, its odd how listening to people converse in a different language is more akin to listening to music that one can’t understand than a mass of people communicating their wants needs and desires. . .  I distinctly remember sitting on the plane in a tight economy class seat dreaming about what it would be like to come back to Thailand.  I had such vivid memories, experiences, but to physically take that first step out of the airport was much different than those warm and familiar dreams that had pacified my thoughts on that 24 hour mind numbing flight which would bring me to the other side of the world.  The initial shock soon wore off as survival needs set in, sleep, food, security.  Of course I made it to Khon Kaen without too much trouble, the whole way thinking of ways that I could learn Thai faster, wishing that I could simply input the Thai language into my brain through some space age form of osmosis, but obviously thats nothing more than a pipe dream. . . I will say that my Thai has really increased by a good deal looking back, but moving into next semester I want to set my self up for a very large increase in my Thai.  Give this goal of “conquering the Thai language” more of structure or framework.

Khon Kaen

Back in the city, that as a study abroad student, I had called my home for 5 glorious months of personal growth and transformation.  I had butterflies walking into the CIEE office for the first time.  Of course, little had changed, giving me a false sense of security.  A sense that I had gone through this unique educational model and already had a fairly concrete understanding of what my job would entail. . . If you could see me now these thoughts are particularly laughable.

The next months followed with a period of time where “the family,” as I like to refer to us, spent an absurd amount of time together.  It was at time tiresome, but nonetheless really exciting.  Knowing that these people would be there for me over the next year.  That these people were going to be there for me during the bad and the good times, in sadness and elation.  In hard mornings and long nights.  I have found myself frustrated with these 4 individuals at times but the good has always outweighed the bad and those hard times make the good ones even better.  All of those habits and patterns began to emerge among the five of us.  We began to feel more comfortable interacting with each other.  To a point where we could be down right indignant with each other, and it was okay, for we always knew that deep down we were all inseparably tied to one another.

The five of us, in a strange land, with none of our familiar social support networks, our families on the other side of the world, and a job that will keep us in extremely close proximity, felt dedicated and genuine about building strong healthy relationships built on trust and respect, any other type of relationship would end in torture, more or less.

Its funny how hard we tried to become a team, and never fully functioned the way our superiors wanted us to, but I think our determination is worth quite a lot by itself.  Coming out the final days of the fall 2010 program, we all felt our spirits rising, with new opportunities, a common understanding of accomplishment and failure.  I feel a great deal of fondness to my peers.  I see their strengths and weaknesses.  They are really amazing people . . . its really very difficult capture an entire semester in a blog post.  Really impossible actually, for theres the working relationship that I have began to outline, theres the work with the students, communities, the creative aspect of re visioning what the educational model at CIEE is and is becoming.  The job is very multi-dimensional, with the constant possibility of an evolving and changing job description.

One example of how my job became even more multi-dimensional began at the beginning of the semester, though it wasn’t actualized till Unit 5.  The basic structure of CIEE begins with an orientation, which begins to form a group within the students, they then transition into a mock unit which gives context to the structures and roles that the students will find themselves in.  The students then begin a process of facilitating themselves through the 5 units of the program.  The group learns together, makes collective decisions, and learns to work together while at the same time realizing the value and worth in group decision making and collaboration.  I come in on Unit 5 facilitating a student group of Thai students who are following a parallel program as the students which intersects at certain points.  What an experience to see the program progress throughout a semester, and finally seeing my role in Unit 5 as a facilitator for a separate group of students, who are come from a very different ethinic and cultural background from myself.  The cultural stretching that I went through during this period was seemed difficult at times, but has taught me a lot of patience and gained me a good bit of respect as well.

Heres some pictures below that I picked out from the semester. . . one is our christmas card, the other the 5 of us Program Facilitators went to a local potter and enjoyed a relaxing day playing with clay.

Any questions feel free to ask for clarifications on anything. . . or if anything sparked some interest you know what I mean. . .

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This blog is mostly for myself but its for others as well, those that I love, for my Grandmother, grandparents, my parents, my brother and sister, and friends all of who I miss dearly and think of often.  I hope to use this blog as a place to share my thoughts and ideas about the world, music, art, and other interesting tidbits that I come along throughout my time in Thailand.

In the coming months, I’ll be posting articles that I hope you all read, posting music that I hope will spice up those moments of music insanity when you need something fun to pick you up.  Favorite quotes, ideas that I hope you’ll comment on and give me some critical and insightful feedback.

Today was a very special day for me.  I had the opportunity to reflect with the 10 amazing students all of who I respect deeply and trust will do amazing things with their lives.  Thinking back on this experience I find myself feeling very privileged to have the opportunity to experience this journey called CIEE Thailand.  Picture a room of white walls, simple faded black chairs, and a room full of amazing individuals who have come together over the period of four months to create a “group” a support network of peers mentors and a force that will carry on into the future.  We all talked about the transformational nature of the CIEE Thailand educational model and how it has provided those 10 souls, daring enough to come study abroad in the midst of social distress, the opportunity of a life time.  Various individuals spoke of the fond memories that they will return to the US with.  Others spoke of the spark, the flame, the desire that CIEE Thailand has created within them to return to the US and create new connections and inspire others to action.  Many found that their perceptions of the world have changed in these short four months.  That they now have found and owned a learning attitude that will enable them to create connections and new understandings in any situation that they are presented with in the future.  I was deeply inspired by the genuine and transparent thoughts that were shared by all.  This is a tribute to those 10 students that will always hold a special place in my heart.  Thanks guys 🙂 (your devaness)



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